Cool Things Happening in Extension!

This may have nothing to do with insects, but Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is planning some pretty neat programs for 2015!

David Rodriguez, our horticulturist in Bexar County will be putting on a program about home brewing!  Backyard bees, chickens, gardening, canning and other self sustaining activities are of more and more interest to folks lately.  And now home brewing can certainly be added to the list.

Along with David, Joey Villarreal, Proprietor and Brewer of Blue Star Brewing Company, Todd Huntress, Operator of San Antonio Homebrew Supply & Home Brewer, and Bexar County Master Gardener and Home Brewer, Lou Kellogg will present this program on January 14th from 6:30-8:30pm.

The basics of what you need to know:
·         Held at Blue Star Brewing, The Blue Star Arts Complex, 1414 S. Alamo St, San Antonio, TX 78210.  
·         2 CEUs.  Fee: $20.
·         RSVP to Angel Torres 210 467-6575 or email  
·         Must be 21 years of age or older.


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