Need Help with Mosquito Control?

This Friday, August 1st @ 1pm CT.  I will be presenting a webinar on Mosquitoes and their Management.  We are heavy into the mosquito season right now and with our first case of the new mosquito borne virus, chikingunya now being reported in Bexar, Harris, Williamson and Travis counties, we have yet another reason to need to avoid these pesky pests.

If you are interested in attending, this is a FREE webinar, provided by eXtension, an internet based collaborative of Land Grant University content providers who supply research based knowledge on various topics.  This particular webinar is provided by the fire ant eXtension group, of which I am a part of.  We are providing various topics throughout the year not just on fire ants, but other insect pests.

Please visit for the link to this and other webinars.


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