Something for everyone... even the youngest of entomologists

If you have a young one who is facinated with nature, insects, and/or gardening, we have a camp for you!  Texas A&M AgriLife Extension hosts a Tots Science Camp for ages 2-5.  We have two topics: Bugs and Plants.

For those interested in Bugs, our camp dates are July 25th and August 8th.  Each camp is the same, so you only need to choose one.  Camp runs 10am-12pm.  We will learn about insects, get to play with insects, learn about bees and tarantulas, do some artwork with maggots (sounds gross, but I promise, its actually pretty amazing), and other insect-related crafts, experiments and activities.

If you like getting your hands dirty in the soil, our Plants Tots Camp is a great opportunity to learn about some very weird plants, take some plants home to grow, taste different herbs, learn how insects find plants, and get to dig in the dirt and get your hands dirty.

Parents are welcome to drop off or stay for the camp.

Cost for each camp is $20.  Registration is open and available at:  If you are registering close to the camp date, be sure to call ahead to make sure there are still spots.


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