Learn About Bugs!

Want to learn a little more about the bugs of today? I have two educational programs coming up in August and September (2011) that are open to anyone who is interested!

August 24. 2-3:30pm. Bed Bugs 101 – Bed bugs are all over the media right now and they experts are saying eventually everyone will come in contact with them. Learn how to identify them, their biology, where they hide, how we get them, and how to avoid them. If you have samples, feel free to bring them. Held at the Bexar County Extension Office, 3355 Cherry Suite 208.

September 27 – 2-4pm. 30 Bugs Every Gardener Should Know – Learn about the good, the bad, and the ugly bugs you’ll come in contact with if you spend any time outside. This program will cover how to identify them (pictures and actual specimens will be shown), if they are bad, the damage they do, and how to manage or encourage them. Held at the Bexar County Extension Office, 3355 Cherry Suite 208.

If you are interested in coming, please shoot me an email at mekeck@ag.tamu.edu, so I know how many to expect.


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